Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What got me going

It was this. WTF is this?!?
Are you kidding? Thank G-d Grandpa's Super Speed was there to remind me that there was a CHEAP, viable, and manly alternative. The Fusion Proglide Power is nothing less than a total and complete abomination. Ask yourself: would Robert Mitchum put one of these anywhere near his face? If you are one of the saps who use these, I have a question for you: how many excellent shaves do you get for your $2.50+ per cartridge? One more time Spuds, you can buy a decent DE blade you will get 4 shaves out of for 10 cents! (US). Actually, $2.50 will only get you a Chicom counterfeit. Do yourselves a favor and "drop the dildo." Don't buy into the CON that more blades are better than one. Where will it end? A fucking Jason mask with 99 vibrating blades inside?

Do the math. Also consider the amount of plastic bullshit you are putting in the landfill. Be a man!

OOOhhh, look, you can save a whole USD on 8! Got to love the price per 100... compare this to 100 of even the fanciest DE brands! Seriously, I want some users/marks to comment and let me know the lifespan of these carts - don't be shy!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous15 July, 2012

    Ive been shaving properly for 2 months now(EJDE89, feathers, razorock soap, rooney st). I cant say enough just how horrible multiblade carts are. So glad I found DE Eden, only wish that I found it 25 years ago. I used this p.o.s. among other multis for a long time. As for the "dildo" previously pictured, I would typically get 6-8, one pass shaves per. Any more than 1 pass would result in me not shaving for 4 days afterwards due to razorburn. Multi carts are a travesty to humankind. Theyre the macdonalds, cocacola, nickleback and nike of shavers. Dont believe the hype people!
