Monday, April 11, 2011

Blade Bank DIY

A commenter on the thread points out that if you turn a can opener sideways and make the slit just under the top rim of the can, you can maybe add a year to how many blades you can get in. When full, one sharp rap with a hammer above the slit and your BB is sealed, and will easily, efficiently, and safely be plucked magnetically from the mixed 'recyclables', posing no danger whatsoever to any workers who happen to be involved with the sorting of the materials. Assholes who say that razor blades are 'hazmats' and need to be disposed of accordingly need to look again at the inherent safety, security, and undeniable frugality of this blade disposal system. It is also very manly, provided you don't paint the damned thing with butterflies and unicorns. A regular sized can has a very small footprint in our medicine cabinet. I keep my chunk of alum on a small ceramic dish on top the can, so the can itself actually maximizes spatial efficiency, the only other space I need in the cabinet is the arko stick, 2 safety razors and a pack of blades, and my Chi-com straight. The footprint, both in area and eco-friendliness, is indeed a small wonder.

Of course, if you really want to be old-school, and live in an old-school house or apartment, you can just use the handy blade slot in the medicine cabinet. It just might already be there. Another manly choice would be to cut your own slot in the bathroom wall for classic between the studs disposal.

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