Friday, October 28, 2011

Vintage SE Blades

I love OLD SE blades! Here are a couple of shots of my collection of "reclaimed" SE blades! They work great, and there is something inherently satisfying about using today a 'disposable" product that in some cases is pushing 100!

If you have any of these blades that you have thrown away because you thought they were useless, shame on you! The old blades are much better quality than their modern counterparts. Send them to me before you bin them!

1 comment:

  1. Cory Buckles19 August, 2012

    I've been shaving with a DE (a Vincent which, despite being manufactured just about as cheaply as possible, has given me a fantastic shave since day one) for the last year, and I'll never go back to POS cartridge razors again!

    I am just starting to get into vintage razors, and I found this blog while researching the GEM Featherweight--FUGLY is right!

    This post really caught my attention. The concept of using a 100-year-old GEM 1912 is cool enough on its own, but using a "disposable" blade in it that's almost as old is just too cool!
